
Unlimited internet access in Phoenix is ideal for most residents. Most people assume that internet service providers always offer unlimited internet access, but that is not always the case. It is important to research your service provider and their plans.

Furthermore, if you live in a rural area, then you understand that your options are extremely limited. Many internet companies refuse to dig cable lines to your area. It is also well-known that satellite internet is very unstable and unpredictable with slow speeds.

Now is the time to explore your options. Expectations versus the reality of unlimited internet access can be deceiving. Find out how to get the best service and access.

Unlimited Internet Access: Your Expectations

Reliable, high-speed internet without interruption is typically what people are searching for. Whether you work from home or just want to stream your favorite TV show, you need reliable internet.

Additionally, price is a concern as well. You want to be able to afford the bill each month without needing to add absurd upgrades or bundles.

What about rural internet access? This is also a problem that some area residents must contend with. Residents in rural areas around Phoenix also need reliable internet access. Typically, rural based residents are confined to satellite options. However, there are more options when you begin to explore the different internet service providers.

Unlimited Internet Access: Your Reality

The reality about unlimited internet access is that many big name internet companies do not offer what you are looking for at affordable prices. Oftentimes these big name companies will cap your data, thus limiting what you are able to use in a day.

It is also wise to separate speed and data. If your internet plan limits your data, then you will also notice slower speeds. When your plan can’t keep up, it will affect the speed. No one wants their favorite TV show to stop halfway through or have your online game stop without warning.

The reality is if you need reliable internet in rural Phoenix, you have another option. That option is Phoenix Internet. You can take your expectations of unlimited internet access and combine it with the reality of Phoenix Internet. With residential plans starting at just $50 per month, you will be amazed at the speed and reliability of the service. Most importantly, there are no data caps with any of the plans you choose.

Even better, is that there is no bundling with Phoenix Internet. You get a company that focuses on just providing the best internet in town without forcing you to add things you do not need. Pay one simple price and get great customer service.

How does Phoenix Internet provide high-speed internet to rural customers? The technology is unlike any other. It is a system called fixed-point wireless internet. The basic concept is that a line-of-sight radio tower is installed in your area. It beams signals or transmit information from the tower to your home. There are no in-ground cables to dig. Adverse weather does not constantly affect signals either like it does with a satellite connection.

Find Your Connection

When choosing an internet service provider, do not get lost in bundling, tricky tiers or lack of access. With Phoenix Internet you get a clear cut path to high-speed, reliable internet. Moreover, you will have access to superior customer service and a dedicated local team of representatives to help with your every need.

Installation is a breeze as well. If you live in an area with a Phoenix Internet tower, then setup will be quick and painless. Our technicians will set up the perfect time to install service and answer any questions you may have. We are proud of our team and you will not be disappointed.

Final Thoughts

Unlimited internet access can be a reality in Phoenix. Even if you are in a rural area, you have this option. Before committing to a big brand name internet service provider, you should understand the data limits and speeds. It is important to know how they affect each other and if it will work for your expectations. Oftentimes you will be expected to bundle your internet with cable or other services even if you do not want this.

Choosing Phoenix Internet means freedom from bundles and great customer service. Call today to see if we service your area. Installation will be quick and you get unlimited data immediately. What are you waiting for?