
Are you looking into internet options for your mobile home community? Many of today’s mobile home communities offer free WiFi and other similar amenities, but getting internet to a mobile home community can be a challenge, especially those in more rural areas. Here are four of the major benefits to using Phoenix Internet for your mobile home community.

1. Rural Areas Are Our Specialty

Through our fixed point internet service, we’re able to establish internet to many rural locations. That includes rural areas that are historically under-served. If your mobile home community doesn’t currently have internet running to it, we can establish a fixed point internet connection. Fixed point internet service uses line-of-sight and radio towers to transmit broadband internet service.

Fixed point internet service is constantly getting better, with the technology improving and becoming more readily available. Perfect for everything from streaming video to browsing the web, our broadband service can get you the coverage you need wherever you are.

rural WiFi, Arizonia residents

2. You Can Attract the Best Residents

Many residents won’t even look at a place that doesn’t have some type of internet service. With Phoenix Internet, you’ll be able to give them a best-in-class service, and ensure that they are happy and comfortable in their homes. Many people today need internet service for their phones, televisions, security systems, and more. Having a good internet service on-site means that they’ll be happier and more likely to stay long-term. You can use fast internet speeds as a selling point for your community, as internet is a major draw (and an expense) for many people.

3. It’s an Affordable Option

It can cost tens of thousands of dollars to run cable lines to a mobile home. If you’ve checked on internet installation before and experienced “sticker shock,” it’s no surprise. But fixed point wireless doesn’t require an expensive installation, making it affordable enough that you may be able to provide free WiFi to your residents, or a low internet charge.

With no data caps and no usage penalties, you’re never going to find yourself running into a bill that you didn’t expect. You can ask Phoenix Internet for a quote today and know exactly how much you’re going to spend on your internet service every month, so you can bill out to your residents or just prepare your community’s cash flow.

4. You Won’t Need to Troubleshoot

With other internet systems, you may find yourself frequently having to troubleshoot your residents’ problems. They’ll call you whenever the internet is down, demanding to know when it’s fixed. Phoenix Internet has very low downtime: it’s a reliable service that doesn’t slow down. While other systems may cap your community at certain speeds or data usage, Phoenix Internet will not.

Fixed point wireless also won’t be impacted by the weather, like other similar technologies can be. So you won’t get frustrated calls every time there’s a big storm, either: you’ll be able to rely upon your internet service rain or shine.

All of that means that you have more time to spend managing and improving the community rather than managing their internet-related problems. And if you do have a problem with connectivity or a technical issue that you need fixed, Phoenix Internet can step in and get you up and running again. Our technical support is fast and responsive.

  • Mobile home communities need fast, reliable internet for their residents.
  • Through Phoenix Internet, you can get a state-of-the-art, fixed point system, available anywhere.
  • Phoenix Internet will save you money and reduce the amount of time you need to spend troubleshooting.
  • With no data caps and no throttling, Phoenix Internet is an exceptionally reliable service.

A mobile home community isn’t really a home if it doesn’t have good, consistent internet access. And that can be achieved fast and easy through the use of Phoenix Internet. With Phoenix Internet, you can get an affordable internet option wherever you are. Contact us today to get a quote.